International Museum Day

International Museum Day, observed on Thursday, May 18, 2023, serves the purpose of increasing recognition for the vital role that museums play in fostering cultural exchange, enhancing diverse cultures, and fostering mutual understanding, cooperation, and peace among different communities.


International Museum Day, observed on Thursday, May 18, 2023, serves the purpose of increasing recognition for the vital role that museums play in fostering cultural exchange, enhancing diverse cultures, and fostering mutual understanding, cooperation, and peace among different communities. This day, as stated by the International Council of Museums, aims to raise awareness about the significance of museums as valuable platforms for promoting global harmony and development.

The theme for 2023 International Museum Day is Museums, Sustainability and Well-being.

International Museum Day (IMD) has a rich history that dates back to 1977. It was established by the International Council of Museums (ICOM), an organization dedicated to promoting the role of museums in society. Initially, IMD was celebrated on May 18 each year, but the date later became flexible to accommodate different regions and their respective schedules.

The primary objective of IMD is to raise awareness about the importance of museums as crucial cultural and educational institutions. It aims to highlight the role of museums in preserving and promoting cultural heritage, fostering intercultural dialogue, and contributing to the development of societies.