Today is World Pediatric Bone and Joint day

Every year, World Pediatric Bone and Joint Day is observed on October 19, globally. The day is marked to create awareness about the prevention, disease management, and treatment of musculoskeletal issues in children.


Every year, World Pediatric Bone and Joint Day is observed on  October 19, globally. The day is marked to create awareness about the prevention, disease management, and treatment of musculoskeletal issues in children.

The first World Pediatric Bone and Joint Day was marked in 2012 by the USBJI. It was championed by the Pediatric Orthopedic Society of North America and the American Academy of Pediatrics. The day is marked as part of the Bone and Joint Action Week, which is held every year from 12 to October 20 .

Arthritis affects children as well as adults, in fact about 1 in 1000 children have arthritis, more than 2 million worldwide. It is treatable, but too many children are not diagnosed in a timely manner, which means they unnecessarily live with pain. And, lack of treatment can lead to joints becoming more damaged than they need to be. So on World Pediatric Bone and Joint Day do something to raise awareness about this issue, among your circle of friends and acquaintances, write to your congressional representatives and let them know you care.