Today is World Smile Day

World Smile Day is celebrated globally on the first Friday of October every year. In 2022, Smile Day is being celebrated on October 7.


World Smile Day is celebrated globally on the first Friday of October every year. In 2022, Smile Day is being celebrated on October 7. World Smile Day was created by the commercial artist Harvey Ball, from Worcester, Massachusetts, as a response to his creation of the very well-known smiley face. World Smile Day 2022 aims to spread kindness and love among societies and various communities all over the world.

The theme of World Smile Day for 2022 is ‘Do an act of kindness. Help one person smile!’

World Smile Day was devised by Harvey Ball, a day dedicated to the act of kindness and since 1999, the first Friday in October every year is designated as World Smile Day. After Harvey Ball’s death in 2001, the Harvey Ball World Smile Foundation was established to honour his name and memories.