International Midwifery Day

International Midwifery Day has been observed annually on May 5 since 1992. This day is celebrated to honour midwives and raise awareness about their vital role in delivering care to mothers and infants.


 International Midwifery Day has been observed annually on May 5 since 1992. This day is celebrated to honour midwives and raise awareness about their vital role in delivering care to mothers and infants.

In addition, it is an opportunity for us to recognise their efforts to improve the world“The Art and Science of Midwifery:  Celebrating 15 Years of VIDM” is the theme for the 2023 Virtual International Day of the Midwife conference.

The history of Midwifery goes back to prehistory, though there are records all over the world of midwife traditions. These women are those who made a study of the birthing process and the vital role it plays in perpetuating the species and its cultural significance. While it’s true in ancient days their practices were based heavily in experience and superstition, today’s midwives are just as capable and competent at seeing a woman to term as the more commonly used OB/GYN’s and Obstetricians.