World Day for Safety and Health at Work

April 28th is marked as the World Day for Safety and Health at Work annually to encourage the balance of safe, healthy, and appropriate working environments worldwide.


April 28th is marked as the World Day for Safety and Health at Work annually to encourage the balance of safe, healthy, and appropriate working environments worldwide.

In 2003, the International Labour Organization (ILO) designated the World Day for Safety and Health at Work as an annual global initiative to increase awareness about the significance of safety and health in the workplace.

This day is observed on the same date as the adoption of the Occupational Safety and Health Convention by the ILO, which occurred on April 28, 1971.

Despite the efforts put into creating safer workplaces, many people still lose their lives or become injured as a result of work-related accidents and illnesses. This day encourages people and organizations to contemplate the measures they can implement to foster a work environment that is safer, healthier, and more productive.