Today is International No Diet Day

International No Diet Day is an annual celebration that takes place on May 6. The day aims to promote body positivity and encourage people to embrace their physical appearance.


International No Diet Day is an annual celebration that takes place on May 6. The day aims to promote body positivity and encourage people to embrace their physical appearance. It is a day to reject the societal pressures and unrealistic beauty standards that often lead to harmful dieting practices. Instead, International No Diet Day encourages people to focus on self-love and acceptance and to celebrate body diversity around the world. 

International No Diet Day was created by Mary Evans Young in 1992 in the United Kingdom. She was the director of a British group called ‘Diet Breakers’. Young was a British feminist who developed this idea after being bullied at school for being fat and by speaking with women with similar experiences. The symbol of the day is a light blue ribbon.

In May 1992, Young introduced the first No Diet Day. It was a small affair that was supposed to be celebrated by a dozen women with a picnic in Hyde Park, London. The event was attended by women, and young girls with ages ranging from 21 to 76 and they all wore stickers that read, “Ditch That Diet”. It rained that day and so Young took that party over to her home.