Today is International Albinism Awareness Day

Every June 13th is recognised as International Albinism Awareness Day. This day was created to bring awareness to this often-ignored disability and to help create a more inclusive world for all people with albinism.


Every June 13th is recognised as International Albinism Awareness Day. This day was created to bring awareness to this often-ignored disability and to help create a more inclusive world for all people with albinism.

There are many ways you can participate in International Albinism Awareness Day. You can write about your personal experiences being an albino or work to create a more inclusive society for all people. You can also donate money or time to organizations that support the rights of albinos.

Albinism is a genetic disorder that results in a lack of pigment in the hair, eyes, and skin. People with albinism often have problems seeing in the dark and can have serious health issues due to their compromised skin. They also face discrimination and isolation due to their appearance.

The theme for International Albinism Awareness Day 2022 is “United in making our voice heard”.

It was created in 1990 by The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC). Today, it is an international day of solidarity and awareness for people with albinism.